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 Would you like to push yourself to the limit, both physically and mentally, challenge the established opinions on others, immerse yourself in a new culture, embark on an adventure, and have a life coach accompany you on this transformative journey? If this sounds appealing to you, you should consider getting in touch with me now.

I offer tailor-made treks in the most pristine natural landscapes of Iran. You will travel with me as your guide and life coach, witnessing firsthand the coping mechanisms of Iranians under difficult socio-economic conditions. This journey will provide you the opportunity to delve into your inner self and emerge purified and reborn.
My name is Farzin Malaki, a medical doctor from the UK, a certified life coach, and an experienced mountain guide in Iran. Make that transformative move today. I look forward to hearing from you.

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One day hikes in northern Alborz range

Day Hikes and one day summits from Khoonegeli 1.        Lemira : - is a summer settlement of some 50 odd adobe houses in an alpine pastureland above the forest line in an altitude of some 2300m in the Goleyjan district of southern Tonekabon. It is one of the most picturesque summer villages in the area within easy reach of Khoonegeli. It has an amazing panoramic view of the Caspian Sea, the forest below, and the coastal towns from Ramsar to Chalous of some 70km radius. There are 3 trails to reach Lemira a)       Khoonegeli (altitude 80m ASL) – Beysar a tiny settlement at an altitude of 600m ASL 15 minutes by car then trek via an old forest trail, hardly used these days as a dirt road to Aghuzhal has shorten the journey  to Lemira, the return can be via Aghuzhal (1200m ASL)  to Khoonegeli 17km 45 minutes. Approximate  hiking time : 8 hours b)       Khoonegeli- Aghuzhal –Lemira, return via Valgesar. This would involve a 17km drive to Aghuzhal (1200m ASL) in the forest then a 4 h

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Hyrcanian Forests

Hyrcanian Forests The Hyrcanian forests cover the northern slopes of the Alborz and Talesh mountains from the Caspian Sea up to 2800m and belong to the temperate deciduous forests. The climate is humid subtropical. The rate of humidity and precipitation is high. (600-2000mm per year and decreases from west to east). These forests belong to the Euro-Siberian bio geographical region. The most important and domainant trees of these forests are Quercus castaneifolia , Quercus macranthera , Alnus glutinosa , Fagus orientalis , Carpinus betulus , Fraxinus excelsior and Parrotia persica . This region was not as badly affected as other forests and hence a number of relict species belonging to the Arcto-Tertiary flora still remain in these forests, such as Acer velutinum , Gleditsia caspica , Parrotia persica , Quercus castaneifolia, Pterocarya fraxinifolia , and Zelkova carpinifolia . Of conifers only 2 varieties exist: Juniperus communis and Taxus baccata. These forests are divid